Privacy Policy

 Privacy Policy May 2021

Osteopaths of Whittlesea is committed to complying with the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles 2014 and the privacy provisions of all applicable legislation. Below is a list of how we do so.

Legal commitment

Here at Osteopaths of Whittlesea, we abide by The Privacy Act 1988 alongside the Australian Privacy Principles for the protection of your personal information.

Collection of personal information

Osteopaths of Whittlesea will collect necessary personal information including name, address, email and phone numbers, as well as information regarding your health (history and clinicians notes) for the purpose of communicating with you in regards to your course of care. We will advise individuals on the purpose for which their personal information is collected.

Should you choose not to provide the requested information, we will advise you of what consequences this may have in terms of your care with us.

When collecting sensitive information (as defined under the Act), we will treat it with utmost security and confidentiality.

Osteopaths of Whittlesea uses the medical software system ‘Cliniko’ for storing patient information and treatment notes. We also store any scanned copies of referrals, letters and test results on here also. Cliniko is ultra- secure cloud-based software that is encrypted using industry standards. Should you have any concerns about the collection and storage of your personal information, please contact the clinic.

Disclosure/Communication of your personal information to other parties

Your information and details will never be passed on to other parties without your written consent to do so.

However, we may be required to disclose your personal information if requested or authorised by law, where disclosure is necessary to prevent a threat to life, health or safety, or where we are otherwise permitted by the Privacy Act.

We do not sell or license your personal information to any third parties.

You may be asked for your e-mail and/or mobile phone number for the purpose of appointment confirmations and reminders. You have the right to request to be withdrawn from this email at any time by emailing us at


Our goal is to protect the personal information collected by Osteopaths of Whittlesea and its associations. Once your personal information is no longer needed, we take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently restrict access to your information (unless we are legally required to retain it for a certain period of time). We cannot be held responsible for the security or confidentiality of any information sent to us via email or through unencrypted web pages.

Obtaining a copy your information

Under the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), you may be able to obtain a copy of the personal information that we hold about you. The APPs provide some exceptions to your rights in this regard. Should you wish to gain access to this information, please contact us in writing. We will require you to verify your identity and specify what information you require.

Updating your personal information safe

Osteopaths of Whittlesea strive to ensure that the personal information we collect and hold is accurate, complete and up-to-date. If any of your details should change, please contact us via phone or email.

Updates to this Policy

This privacy policy will be reviewed from time to time to take account of new laws and technology, changes to our business practices and changes to the business environment.

How to contact us if you wish to discuss this policy.

If you wish to discuss any aspect of this policy or feel you have a breach of privacy please contact us at :

Osteopaths of Whittlesea
44 Church Street
Whittlesea, 3757
Ph 03 8748 4138
